Citizen Board
Craig Mosher
Craig has many years of experience with the clean energy district movement in Iowa. He speaks on energy issues around the county and serves as JCED’s board president and chief administrator. Craig retired from directing the Social Work Program at Luther College in Decorah. He has been working to develop energy districts in each Iowa county, and lives in an ecovillage—an environmental intentional community.
Cheryl Miller
Cheryl’s background is in environmental policy and planning. At JCED, she coordinates solar energy initiatives, edits Good Energy, our seasonal energy efficiency “tip sheet” for Johnson County residents, and works on building relationships with partner organizations.
Gail Ardery
Gail has extensive experience managing research grants, coordinating political outreach campaigns, and running non-profit organizations. At JCED, she works on outreach to homeowners about energy assessments, public messaging, and program development.
Stratis Giannakouros
Stratis directs the University of Iowa’s Office of Sustainability and the Environment. He helps with strategic planning and connecting JCED with university programs central to our work.
Joni Howland
Joni is the Social Work Program Director at Mount Mercy University. She brings her experience in education and government relations, along with a special interest in environmental justice, to JCED’s programs, organizational development, and fundraising.
Good Energy Newsletter
Cheryl Miller, editor
Charlotte Fairlie, contributor
Michael Chibnik, contributor
Ann Guhin, communication services
Technical Advisors
Warren McKenna, solar consultant
David Osterberg, public policy consultant
Jane Hagedorn, plumbing consultant
Joe Greathouse, Kirkwood Community College
Karyl Bohnsack, Iowa City Area Home Builders Association
Casey Cook, solar investor
John Loomis, Loomis Construction
Paul Cutting, Clean Energy Districts of Iowa
Financial Supporters
Thank you to donors who are helping us launch clean energy programs.
Hills Bank
Environmental Advocates
City of Iowa City
Community Foundation of Johnson County
Cook Appraisal LLC
Johnson County
Sitler’s LED Supplies
Plumb Supply Company